• Skills Studio is an Experiential Pathways Learning Initiative©

    Mindset empowerment education, training, and professional development

    We prepare people to become workforce-ready graduates or next-generation innovators. We elevate the entrepreneurial thinking of the disempowered. Your skillful, confident mindset exposes opportunities, ignites ambition, and fosters the attitudes and skills that guide everyone to succeed. All the Skills Studio learning programs are underpinned by our Pedagogical Models.

    The Skills Studio humanities program designed by Greg Twemlow

    1. Life Skills Program

    Workshop Format - 14-hours of Experiential Learning

    These are the 9 key skills for people of all ages who have or are deciding to pursue a career where humanities or life skills are crucial for success. Skills Studio uses a training model called Experiential Learning that incorporates "reflection" on what has been done. By using a cycle of "doing, reflecting, changing, doing, reflecting" the skills are consciously applied and students recognize that they are refining one or more of the skills. All 14-hours are facilitated experiential learning dealing with real-world issues.


    Programs can be designed to reflect a specific objective or interest and can be delivered in a school or business setting, over about 8-weeks or as a 2-day workshop. Read a report on Life Skills delivered at two high schools in Term 2, 2021. Print the LIFE Skills framework.


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    The Skills Studio STEM program designed by Greg Twemlow

    2. STEM Skills Program

    Workshop Format - 14-hours of Experiential Learning

    When we talk about STEM skills, we’re talking about the individual skills needed to do science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and those needed to use technology effectively. These are the 9 key STEM skills for people of all ages who have or are deciding to, pursue a STEM career. Skills Studio uses a training model called Experiential Learning that incorporates "reflection" on what has been done. By using a cycle of "doing, reflecting, changing, doing, reflecting" the skills are consciously applied and students recognize that they are refining one or more of the skills. All 14-hours are facilitated experiential learning dealing with real-world issues.


    Programs can be designed to reflect a specific objective or interest and can be delivered in a school or business setting, over about 8-weeks or as a 2-day workshop.


    Print the STEM skills framework.


    STEM or STEAM? The 'A' in STEAM refers to Arts which in our opinion is best managed in the Life Skills program.


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    Nine keys to the skills that realize your STEM potential by Greg Twemlow

    3. Hybrid Skills Program

    Workshop Format - 20-hours of Experiential Learning

    Skills Studio is a program that helps people of all ages, but likely from about 16 to about 75. We know that the age range is broad and that the motivation for learning these skills varies according to age; a younger person is thinking about their career and an older person may simply want to expand their intellect.


    The Skills Studio program can be taught as two themes, focused on Life or STEM skills. Both streams, Life, and STEM comprise nine skills, four of which are common to both streams. The skills equip people to explore their innate potential in the 21st century and to understand their strengths and interests.


    The programs share 4 common skills which enable a hybrid program that starts with the common skills and then branches to Life or STEM skills, reflecting the interests of the learner.

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    Why 9 cells? Completion; fulfillment; attainment; beginning and the end; the whole number; a celestial and angelic number - by SEVENmile Venture Lab

    4. Student Collaborative Problem-Solving Online (SCPSO)

    6-hours of experiential learning that focuses on developing the skills of:

    A. Analytical, B. Creative, C. Self-Manages, D. Collaborator

    This program uses Microsoft Teams or Zoom and the private channels feature to allow the cohort to be assigned to teams of up to 6 students. The motivation for the program is anchored in assisting students to work on diverse problems in a collaborative format. UNESCO report, COVID-19: Effects of School Closures on Foundational Skills, “These results support the growing body of evidence demonstrating that not attending school can have immediate adverse effects on children’s learning and, more precisely, on the acquisition of foundational skills.”


    Students are challenged to Self-Manage over 6-hours of experiential learning to develop skills through Collaboration in a team of about 6 students to find Creative solutions to a nominated problem or to design an outline for a business, both of which must be thoroughly Analyzed. When the program concludes, students use the Student Feedback Assessment survey in order that school staff understand how students feel about the value of the program. Students and teachers can have meaningful discussions about the 2-way feedback.


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    Why 9 cells? Completion; fulfillment; attainment; beginning and the end; the whole number; a celestial and angelic number - by SEVENmile Venture Lab

    5. Parents learn how to build foundational skills for their children's future

    1-day Experiential Learning workshop

    By the end of this 1-day workshop, parents will be armed with knowledge and tools they can immediately apply to help build a strong skills foundation for their children. The workshop is hosted by the program designer, Greg Twemlow, an internationally experienced senior executive with extensive knowledge of competency-based skills development. Participants in this event will be introduced to an innovative experiential learning program with many use-cases, and a proven impact on young people from the age of 10-years and older.

    Parents have the onerous task of giving their children every opportunity to explore the world and find their "why", and parents all want to move the needle for their children. Parents can play a vital role to help their children develop and refine skills that provide a solid platform to propel them headfirst into all that life can offer.


    The workshop fee is $217 per person. View an explainer video.


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    Minimum Viable Canvas by Greg Twemlow

    6. Entrepreneurs Business Design Program

    2-day Program - Day 1: 0900-1600, Day 2: 0900-1730

    This program is primarily for senior students who believe they have an idea for a new business. It can also be used for students who are generally interested in becoming entrepreneurs but may not have a specific idea they wish to develop.


    The 2-day program will benefit students to either confirm that their idea has genuine potential or help them to fail-fast by invalidating their idea and then helping them to decide whether to pivot to a new idea.


    It can also be used by entrepreneurs to find a team for their project. All 14-hours are facilitated experiential learning using the Minimum Viable Canvas, a tool that will define their business idea and business model.


    Click here to review the 2-day program.


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    skills immersion program for high schools by Greg Twemlow

    7. Skills Immersion Program for High Schools

    runs over 2 x 10-week school terms

    A new program called Skills Immersion is detailed below and is designed to run over 2 x 10-week school terms and for approximately 24-hours. There are elective 2 tracks, one LIFE skills, and the other STEM skills. Program format: A briefing session is held at the end of Term 1 so students have time to think about their interest to be involved. This session will ideally include parents. Kick-off event: students post their ideas as either LIFE or STEM. The cohort of students form teams of 4 to 6 students. Ideally, the team members have some level of complementary skills.


    During the first 10-week term students focus on the 4 core skills shown in the diagram. In the second 10-week term students focus on 5 elective skills, either LIFE or STEM skills, depending on their personal interests.


    At end of the first term of work, students will have confirmed their business idea, have analyzed the market and know who their competitors are, have completed their Competitor Matrix, and defined their creative branding and marketing message, and they have a solid, committed team. At the end of the second 10-week term, they will have done the work that reflects the 5 elective skills relevant to each branch, LIFE or STEM. The final Skills Immersion event is judged based on a) a detailed and viable plan and b) presentation skills. Prizes are awarded subject to the level of financial support and sponsorship for the program.


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    Experiential Pathways Certification Training by www.theskills.studio by Greg Twemlow

    8. Experiential Pathways Certification

    prepares participants to implement Experiential Pathways Programs

    Skills Studio programs are experiential, problem-based learning interventions designed to inspire and engage participants in the fundamental aspects of a skillful mindset. With this methodology, facilitators do not need to be subject matter experts in the field of experiential pathways. The role of the instructor is to facilitate learning by supporting, guiding, and monitoring the learning process. Rather than providing specific directives, the facilitator encourages participants to solve identified problems, find and apply new knowledge, take action, and cope with uncertainty and challenges that they confront.


    People who complete the 2-day programs are certified to deliver Skills Studio programs under license.


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    Smaller steps have a BIG impact for a cleaner environment by Greg Twemlow

    9. Student Sustainability Boards

    an exciting program for students learn to be members of a Board with a strategic mission

    The motivation for the program is anchored in students' passion to help change the consumption habits of their entire school community. Student Sustainability Boards is a concept for school communities to embark on an innovative journey to encourage greater sustainability. The Student Sustainability Board program integrates what are normally silos of community stakeholders and brings them together in pursuit of a constructive and real-world solution to develop sustainable operations of a school that delivers value to everyone involved. The students who participate will gain valuable experience in how a Board of Directors functions. Each member of the Student Sustainability Board will have a job with responsibilities and accountabilities. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


    In 1987, the United Nations Brundtland Commission defined sustainability as, “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”


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    Why 9 cells? Completion; fulfillment; attainment; beginning and the end; the whole number; a celestial and angelic number - by SEVENmile Venture Lab

    What is Experiential Learning?

    Skills Studio Programs Leverage Experiential Learning

    Skills Studio uses a training model called Experiential Learning that incorporates "reflection" on what has been done. By using a cycle of "doing, reflecting, changing, doing, reflecting" the skills are consciously applied and students recognize that they are refining one or more of the skills.


    Programs can be designed to reflect a specific objective or interest.


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